It's been a while since I wrote about S. health so it’s time for an update. Just a week before her birthday we went for bladder and kidneys ultrasound (like we do every year) and the DMSA test. I wrote about it while back. It's actually funny – I couldn't remember what exactly that test is about so I looked it up on my blog to remind myself :) (DMSA renal scan : a dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan – where a child is injected with a slightly radioactive substance called DMSA that shows up on a special device called a gamma camera. This takes pictures of the child's kidneys; after the scan, the DMSA will pass harmlessly out of the child's body, in their urine.) On the last ultrasound…
Last few weeks were very stresfull. First kidney and bladder scan, and DMSA test, then waiting for results, then results and burried hopes. and on the end hospital with UTI caused by E coli... (more…)
Cloaca anomaly "A persistent cloaca is a complex anorectal congenital disorder, in which the rectum, vagina, and urinary tract meet and fuse, creating a cloaca, a single common channel" “A persistent cloaca is defined as a confluence of the rectum, vagina, and urethra into a single common channel. This defect is one of the most formidable technical challenges in pediatric surgery. The goals of treatment include an anatomic reconstruction and achieving bowel and urinary control, as well as normal sexual function. Cloacal anomalies occur in 1 per 20,000 live births. They occur exclusively in girls and comprise the most complex defect in the spectrum of anorectal malformations. “ “Persistent cloaca is an uncommon (1 per 50,000 live births) congenital anomaly in which there is a single perineal opening for the urinary, gastrointestinal, and reproductive tracts.1 More common in multifetal…